Cupid’s Hunt FAQs

Here is the FAQ (“frequently asked questions”) page about the Cupid’s Hunt Podcast Collaboration Event.

Q1. What is “Cupid’s Hunt”?

A1. “Cupid’s Hunt” (or CH for short) is a collaboration project of music podcasters and music fans in celebration of Valentine’s Day. On this day all of the people who are participating have agreed to release and make available for download (in MP3 format) or streaming a music and/or audio podcast with a Valentine’s Day theme.

Q2. Why the name “Cupid’s Hunt”? What does *that* mean?

A2. The name Cupid’s Hunt came out of a late night/all night brainstorming session on Twitter back in January, 2008. “Cupid”, the symbol of Love/Valentine’s Day and “Hunt”, meaning to search for. When you put them together and apply the phrase to the world of podcasting you have a search for music online. Or, as the CH project was originally subtitled: “Searching for Love Music… In All The Right Places!”

Q3. Oh OK, now I get it. How do I get involved with the Cupid’s Hunt project?

A3. That’s easy! Just make a music and/or audio podcast with a Valentine’s Day theme: good love, bad love, want love, hate love… it doesn’t matter, go where ever your creativity and musical tastes take you. Once your CH podcast is finished we want you to post it online on (or just before -OR- even just after) Valentine’s Day.

Q4. How will visitors to my site know my podcast is part of this project?

A4. Glad you asked! There are several ways that your readers will associate your podcast with the Cupid’s Hunt Collaboration Project:

1. We have a Cupid’s Hunt logo available that we are asking you to post on your site at least one week prior to the event.

2. Each participant is asked to start off the title of your CH post with “Cupid’s Hunt:”, and to also tag their CH post with the keywords “CupidsHunt” and “CHx“. (no quotes on the keywords or the phrase in your post title, of course).

3. he Cupids Hunt Podcast Collaboration page on Facebook was the official Cupid’s Hunt headquarters for the past several years. However, we now have our brand new official domain name/website at:

where we will be promoting the event and all of the podcasters/blogs involved in the days leading up to the event.

4. Cupid’s Hunt also has a Twitter account ( that we are asking you to follow for updates about the event and/or to get any questions that you might have answered about the event.

Q5. Where do I get the Cupid’s Hunt logo?

A5. All files (logos and audio drops) for Cupid’s Hunt are now being distributed via Dropbox ( Email me at tgrundy [at] for the download link.

Q6. Who can I contact to give them information about my podcast?

A6. Send an email to CupidsHunt [at]

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